M&Q Packaging is a leader in the development and production of strong, abrasion-resistant, high temperature, heat-stabilized vacuum bagging film. Our distinctive film is available in gauges from .80 mil to 5mils thick and can be produced as tube stock, V-fold, or sheeting.

Ideal for a variety of sterilization and cleanroom packaging, M&Q’s nylon sterilization films and bags offer superior puncture, abrasion and chemical resistance while protecting instruments from contamination. They’ve been used in leading medical and dental facilities around the world.

M&Q Packaging has over 50 years of experience in producing high temperature nylon films for the solvent recovery industry. Our proprietary polyamide formulations used in the production of our solvent recovery liners provide excellent heat and chemical resistance and are extremely strong and abrasion resistant.

M&Q’s nylon film is perfectly suited for cleanroom packaging film applications where superior puncture, abrasion and/or high heat resistance are required. Made from FDA approved grade A resins, our film and bags are produced with adherence to special conditions insuring these films meet class 100 standards.

M&Q Packaging is a leader in the development and production of meat packaging products for the meat processing industry, with solutions to safely protect your meat product. Our portfolio includes dependable, cost-effective nylon tube stock and film stock as well as vacuum bags, meat casings, and now, ovenable thermoforming webs.

M&Q offers a wide variety of nylon, polyester and elastomer-based high temperature, FDA compliant materials which can be converted to suit your individual specifications. Our portfolio includes tube and film stock as well as bags and casings.